Applications are now available.
Each person planning to apply will need to call Duplin County Partnership for Children at 910-296-2000 to request an application
The deadline to return completed applications is 12:00 noon, April 21 2023.
You will need to have completed at least one EPIC approved training class before the application deadline to be eligible for the bonus.
If you have not taken a class, there will be one on April 5th and April 19th.
Registration is required for the classes. trainings calander 2023
Please contact Amanda Sanderson at 910-296-2000 with any questions.
For Our Providers:
Teacher Bonus
Do you want more money for being an excellent Teacher? Duplin County Partnership is offering the EPIC Teacher Bonus. You can receive a check twice a year for having college credits or a degree. For additional information regarding our EPIC Program, please contact Amanda Sanderson at (910) 296-2000. Our EPIC Teacher Bouns Program has changed. Am I Eligible for the EPIC Teacher Bonus?
Duplin County Diaper Pantry
Comming Soon!!
Raising A Reader
Raising A Reader (RAR) is a program that promotes improved literacy development through daily book sharing between caregivers and yound children. RAR Coordinators will host two trainings for the site implementers that have been identified to participate in this project. Identified families will be loaned a book bag containg high quality developmentally appropriate children's books. The Books will be exhanged each week. Parents of the children in the project will be invited to participate in at least two parent workshops where they will learn book sharing strategies. At least one libray event will be provided for RAR participans and their families. Participans and their families will be provided with library information, library card application and other community literacy resources. The program will be administered through Duplin County child care centers and family child care homes.
Child Care Scholarship
Program Coordinator & Evaluation
This activity helps to ensure ongoing community awareness of Smart Start funded programs and services. A Bilingual Outreach Specialist will coordinate initiatives designed to promote Duplin County programs and services to the community as well as develop relationships with community partners and stakeholders by collaborating with educational, business, faith, social and health organizations serving childdren birth to five and their families and by promoting public awareness of early childhood issues and services. The bilingual Outreach Specialist will also create outreach materials for the Partnership, provide educational/informational presentations to local audiences, coordinate Parrtnership events and represent the Partnership on local committees. Additionally, trained staff will conduct car seat safety clinics and workshops throughout the county and distribute information related to proper car seat installation. Age and size appropriate car seats will be distributed during car seats workshops and clinics to Duplin County residents at a reduced cost. For more information please contact Karen Pacheco.
Child Care Resource and Referral
Quality Child Care Program
Pre-Kindergarten Classes
Regulated Child Care and Licensing Information in NC
Who’s Regulated by the Division of Child Development?
How Do I Get Licensed?
What is the Family Child Care Home Application Process?
What is the Child Care Center Application Process?
Licensing Requirements Overview and Rule Changes
Information retrieved from: www.ncchildcare.net
Explanation of Star Ratings
What is a “Star Rated License”?
The star rated license is a voluntary licensing system where your program can earn points in two components:
- Program Standards
- Staff Education
In addition, programs having a two component license can earn a "quality point" for meeting enhanced standards for staff education and program standards.
Why “Star Rated Licenses”?
North Carolina moved to this system in 2000 for many reasons. It allows your child care program to be recognized for the higher quality care that you are already providing. In the previous system your program's indvividual strenghts were not highlighted. For Family Child Care Homes, there was not any way to indicate being recognized for providing higher qualilty care.
Be sure to explore other pertinent star rated license information in order to:
- Understand how points are calculated
- Learn how a star rating can be increased
- See a sample license
- Read the most frequently asked questions about star rated licenses
How Are Points Earned?
When you apply for a star rated license a child care consultant will visit your program and evaluate each of the two quality components as well as the quality point option that may be selected by your program:
- Program Standards
- Education Standards
You will receive one point for meeting minimum requirements. To earn more than one point, you will have to meet higher voluntary standards.
For more information on how points are earned and how to determine star ratings please visit:
Increasing Your Star Rating
Once you have received a star rated license, you may decide that you want to try and increase your star rating. If you have a one star rated license, you can apply for a 2-5 star rated license at any time. If you have a 2-5 star rated license, you can reapply for a higher rating after six months.
Visit the link below for valuable resources and suggestions on how you can earn more points.
Star Rated License FAQs
Visit the link below for a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers.
Information retrieved from
www.ncchildcare.net TOP